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Geological processes and their interaction with oceanography, benthic habitats and risk generation.

Note: This session will be held in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


The Geological Society of Spain (Marine Geology Commission) will sponsor 5 registration grants to participate in the Thematic Session of the MIAS2018 Symposium under the theme: Geological processes and their interaction with Oceanography, benthic habitats and risk generation. Those interested should send their request to Juan-Tomás Vázquez ( attached his contribution to the symposium MIA2018 and an abbreviated CV (no more than 4 pages).


Session chairs:

Juan-Tomas Vazquez (IEO)

Cristina Roque (EMEPC/IDL)



At present, there is a growing interest and a social demand about the study of contemporary or recent geological processes of different types in the marine environment, such as volcanism, tectonics, gas emissions, mass movements, erosive processes and sedimentary effects associated with the bottom currents as well as its study along singular morphological areas such as submarine canyons or seamounts. Geological processes interfere with the dynamics of water bodies, can generate geological risks, control the location of geological resources and the development of certain habitats and are, therefore, basic processes for the definition of Marine Protected Areas. Therefore, the integrated study of all these factors will improve the quality of knowledge of the seabed.



This session is dedicated to researchers from different specialties in the marine environment as geologists, biologists, physicists, chemists or mathematicians working in an integrated manner on the seabed or potential contributions that may be of interest to scientists from other specialties as well as various sectors of society such as businesses, government agencies, regional or local authorities.

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