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Note: This session will be held in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Session chairs:

Pedro J.M. Costa (Dep. Geologia e IDL, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

Rita González‐Villanueva (Univ. Vigo, España)

Ricardo Ramalho (Dep. Geologia e IDL, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

Francisco Dourado (Dep. Geologia Aplicada, Faculdade de Geologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil).


Extreme marine events have the potential for inflicting tremendous damage along wide sections of coastal areas. In the Atlantic area the use of the geological record is fundamental for an accurate hazard assessment.

This session provides a broad forum for cross‐disciplinary studies and invites contributions focusing on the study of extreme events and their imprints in Atlantic coastlines.



We aim to gather a group of scientists that are at the forefront of the geoscience research on this theme and that can create bridges to other fields of science, namely geophysics, archaeology, numerical modelling, civil engineering, civil protection and local authorities. We welcome abstracts presenting recent work and novel ideas related to: a) sedimentological and geomorphological evidences of tsunami and storm impacts; b) numerical modelling of generation, propagation, and inundation; c) possible tsunamigenic source identification and assessment; d) correlation of basin‐wide deposits; and e) Extreme Events under Climate Change.

Geological record of extreme marine events in the Atlantic
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